1000 Years of Annoying the French

1000 Years of Annoying the French

B. inggris kunci jawaban buku bahasa Inggris kelas 7 halaman 130​

kunci jawaban buku bahasa Inggris kelas 7 halaman 130​


Pada halaman 130-131 Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 7, siswa diminta untuk mempelajari contoh pada tabel. Kemudian, siswa diminta untuk berputar mengelilingi kelas bertanya kepada minimal 5 temannya tentang apa pekerjaan orang tuanya dan apa yang dikerjakan orang tua.

Untuk menanyakan pekerjaan orang tua, kita dapat menggunakan kalimat tanya seperti:

  1. Hello Beni, what is your father job?/ what is your mother job?
  2. Hello Beni, what does your father do?/ what does your mother do?
  3. Hello Beni, what is your father?/ what is your mother?

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang pekerjaan orang tua, kita dapat menggunakan kalimat seperti:

  1. My father's job is a/an ...... He .......
  2. My father is a/an ...... He .......
  3. My mother's job is a/an ...... She ......
  4. My mother is a/an ..... She .....


Disini saya memberikan contoh cara mengisi tabel tersebut dengan pekerjaan orangtua teman. Anda bisa memodifikasi atau merubahnya nanti.

1. Friend's name: Anita

Question: Anita, What is your father? How about your mother, What is she?

Answer: My father is a lecturer. He teaches students in University. My mother is a teacher. She teaches students in Junior High School.

2. Friend's name: Badu

Question: Badu, What is your father? How about your mother, What is she?

Answer: My father is a taxi driver. He drives taxi in the city. My mother is a tailor. She sews some clothes.

3. Friend's name: Cakra

Question: Cakra, What is your father? How about your mother, What is she?

Answer: My father is a labor. He works in the factory. My mother is a housewife. She takes a good care of us.

4. Friend's name: Dadung

Question: Dadung, What is your father? How about your mother, What is she?

Answer: My father is a lawyer. He helps his clients in the court. My mother is a chef. She cooks delicious food for a restaurant.

5. Friend's name: Erlina

Question: Erlina, What is your father? How about your mother, What is she?

Answer: My father is an English teacher. He teaches English for Senior high school students. My mother is an art teacher. She teaches Art for Vocational High School students.